Minecraft Recurrent Complex Wiki
Type Command
Category Management 
Command /#structures
Help Use /help #structures

A collection of subcommands related to structures.


Sends the player information about a specific structure:

  • Whether it generates
  • The author, link and commend from the metadata section


This command searches all structures for a given text. You can use this to search for structures by name, author or description. Use /#structures help search to find out how you can search. Here are some examples for options:

--containing Bearbeiten[]

This searches all structures for a given block. This is useful to keep the balancing correct in your mod pack. You can either disable the found structures, edit them, or run a universalTransformer to replace the blocks in question (see configuration GUI).

--list Bearbeiten[]

This searches just structures contained in a specific list

--maze Bearbeiten[]

This searches just structures contained in a specific maze.

Example Uses[]

/#structures search --containing domain=reccomplex

Searches all structures containing blocks from Recurrent Complex.


Opens a GUI where you can edit the spawnTweaks option from the config. The option allows you to easily tweak spawn rates (and thus, disable structures).

Depending on the changes you might have to /#reload MODDED after tweaking.