Scanning a basic structure[]
First and foremost you need to build your structure. This structure can be anything you want. Then you need to scan it into Recurrent Complex by doing the following:
- Grab a Block Selector or a Floating Block Selector.
- Pick any corner, and select the bottom-most block by right clicking it.
- Go to the corner directly diagonal from the corner that you picked, hold CTRL, and right click the top-most block to create your selection box. If the top-most block corner block is not the highest block on the structure, then use the Floating Block Selector to increase the height of your selection to include the higher blocks. The selection is complete when the entire structure is within the selection box.
- Open chat and use the /#export command. You do not need to do anything but change the name. Name it something you can remember. Statue1 doesn't tell you much, but StatueOfMe lets you know what structure you are selecting.
Now your structure is saved to Recurrent Complex, and can be spawned in using the /#import command. However, due to this structure using default settings, it will not spawn it on its own. If you want your structure to generate in the world, You'll need to look at the tutorials here.